Thursday, April 7, 2011

PSMS: Morels are fruiting!

Posted by Amy Baranski

The chatter on the Puget Sound Mycological Society (PSMS) Yahoo Member Group has picked up since their first Spring field trip. Net: Morels are fruiting. Morels you can eat.
 Morchella elata (black morel)--identified by the finder and photographer: Isabelle Phan.
Interested in mushroom foraging? Join PSMS.

1 comment:

Eleanor Moseman said...

When I was a little girl my father took me to pick these in Virginia. I was in second grade and I thought they were so delicious. I told everyone about it at school. They probably thought I was a poor imbred hick but I don't think they have such a fond memory of a father/daughter moment picking mushrooms and then pan frying them in butter later that night.

I guess this is what you get when your dad is an old hippie. A wonderful childhood memory with mushrooms. That's to go along with night-crawler catching for fishing...give that one a go!